Patient Portal

Patient Portal Disclaimer

  • We believe in information transparency and we believe you deserve to see your information as soon as it is available.  Some patients prefer to see their results online immediately.

  • We release ALL notes and results immediately to you. Therefore, you may see some results even before we do. Please give us 2 business days to review and let you know our thoughts.

  • We look at every result. We will contact you with any results that concern us.

  • There are many results like labs out of range that are not clinically important. There are other results, like “ANA” that are really challenging to interpret and require reviewing other results and other information from your chart. Sometimes these are best discussed in person.

  • CT, MRI, and PET reports can show new or recurring cancer.

  • These reports can contain words that are difficult to understand.

  • These reports can show unexpected results.

  • We always plan to review these results with you and decide on a plan together. We prefer to do this either in person, by video visit, or by phone.

  • When possible, we will discuss the possible results with you BEFORE getting the test, and the next steps we would take with each result.

  • Because of possible “bad news,” other patients may feel more comfortable waiting to discuss results when their provider is available. 

  • As the patient, you can choose when to view your result.

  • If you have a concern that cannot wait, you can send us a message or call our clinic to discuss. Calling the clinic after hours, you can reach the operator, who can get you in touch with the on call provider for your clinic. It is of course better if you can wait to discuss this with the provider who ordered the test, who would know you and your health history the best.